Wasteland 2 is a unique one Role-Play Video Game, its basically a unique one as i tell you before just for the reason that this is the second installment in this Wasteland series but it is known as the first the reason for this is also have to described because it is released after 24 year of its first series with the same name Wasteland. As game features are very much similar to its playing procedure but it may have new and best one graphics. With the funeral of a Desert Ranger the game story begins named Ace. With this incident everyone is very sad so leader of the Desert Rangers named General Vargas sent a team of four members for the investigation of the murder of Ace but unluckily the team members have lost their lives but they have find some clues. Features of Wasteland 2 allow players to watch around with a rotatable camera. Consist of seven members in the game players have to made a team , in which four players are totally customizable that players with their own choice can chose everything of appearance, characteristics, special skill, performance and more, but the other characters in the team have their own choices,personality, agendas opinion and skills.
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